Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer snapshots

Max has finally come to terms with the stroller. This is good news, but also bittersweet because he's not such a little baby anymore! Our sitter was the first to witness this. Thankfully she sent pics :)

Playing in the yard :) these are the pictures that get me thru my day when I'm working.

Someone is a climber...

The athlete ready for soccer camp!!

Practicing his moves

Moriah suggested we stop here for a ride (& we like the yummy beer)

Out to brunch before my shift in the children's ED. Love that face!

Max is starting to scribble!

Riah in my hat

Mommy Moriah lunch date on my day off complete w silly faces and ice cream!

Riah sculpted robs name on wiki stix to text him a pic while we were out!

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Saturday, August 3, 2013

Outdoor adventures

We've been enjoying the amazing Seattle summer with the gorgeous weather and so many great things to do around here these last few weeks (when I'm not working that is!)

I took the kids up to Greenlake a couple weeks ago for Moriah to practice on her scooter. We took a little rest/ snack break while we waited for Rob to come pick us up and have dinner.

Max started taking little bites of his animal cracker (without me having to break it into little pieces!). This may seem like no big deal, but it's a milestone and a huge help when you're feeding & chasing and wrangling more than 1. Way to go Max!!

Moriah likes to pose...

Family selfie

Happy to see daddy!

Last weekend we explores Lincoln Park in West Seattle. This is a view across Puget Sound and that's Vashon Island across the sound.

This driftwood looked to us like an alligator/mermaid.

Moriah wanted to pose by it :)

Shoulder ride with daddy! I love this pic of the two of them.

Look what we found...

Earlier this week, we went to an outdoor concert at the Woodland Park Zoo to see the Indigo Girls! So fun!! (This was my Mother's Day present)

In usual Moriah style, she became BFFs with the little boy sitting next to us.

I got an ice cream. Max wanted it for his own. He did not want to taste it - he had to HAVE it. An epic battle ensued. Max won. He let me have a lick.

Video of max and the ice cream:

YouTube Video

Max and I singing along to the indigo girls

He required a lot of entertaining to keep him from crawling away to flirt with the people around us!

We all had a great time!

Until we didn't. Moriah hit a wall of exhaustion and refused to have her picture taken.

This afternoon we drove down to the south sound to the Nisqually wildlife refuge watershed to get some fresh air and see some birds. Rob loves the birds & wetlands!

In our usual arrangement (Max in the carrier)

He got kvetchy, so I moved him to my back. All was right with the world again.

Moriah taking it all in with her binoculars!

Photographing the photographer.

Rob in his element.

Moriah has insisted on hanging on these purple shorts even though they're too small. While riding on Rob's shoulders, she started to resemble a plumber. I told her her tushie was showing and that I think this would be her shorts' last outing and that we would need to find her some new purple shorts. Her response "stop saying those horrible things!" Ha! She's not dramatic at all :)

It was gorgeous! Some much needed time outdoors!

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Location:Seattle, WA

A quick trip to SoCal

We took a quick but action-packed trip to Orange County a couple weekends ago for my 20 yr high school reunion. When I realized we would be there with less than 2 weeks before Max's 1st birthday, we decided to throw a little party. We enlisted help from my dad and Sharon. They were a huge help (reserving the park and buying food and supplies!), but then my poor dad ended up in the hospital with kidney stones! We still managed to throw together a great party with more help (thanks Tammy & Jeanne!!) but Dad and Sharon were missed. There are more pics from the camera and good ones other people took, but here's what I have for now.
This rainbow was the first thing we saw in the dusky sky as we got off the plane in Long Beach.

Friday we went to Disneyland! Thankfully my "cousin" Louis Broido works there and signed us in. Can you tell someone was excited??

Waiting in line for the Peter Pan ride. Riah is kinda obsessed with Peter Pan.

Riding the carousel with Bubbe Linda :)

Max enjoyed the Mickey Mouse ice cream.

Selfie of me and my boy :)

Family photo

We tried to get another without the weird shadows. Fail. It was late and Moriah was exhausted. A brief meltdown ensued. Oh well. Such is life with little ones.

Saturday afternoon we took a quick trip to the beach to check out the tide pools and play a bit. Moriah was happy to be wrapped up in Mickey after our trip to DL.

Saturday night was the reunion. My step-sister Jeanne and her daughter were so amazing. They drove all the way down to my dad's house (where we were staying) to watch the kids so we could go!

So much fun seeing old friends!

I really loved getting to see my friend Shannon - one of my dearest friends from high school!!!

Our hubbies kept each other company :)

My funny girl getting ready for Max's party - posing in her super hero shirt and new fairy wreath. That's my moriah :)

So here's the birthday boy!! Sound asleep through his party... I finally had to wake him up for cake and presents :)

Moriah and her new BFF Julianna (my friend Joyce came worth her two kiddos!)

Max was much more interested in touching his cupcake than eating it. I'm figuring this was a sneak preview anyway and maybe he'll be more interested in a couple weeks for the real deal :)

He ended up eating a little :)

So fun spending time with some of my oldest and dearest!

Riah and Juju enjoying the treats!

Some silly play time after...

Finally in seattle! Rob on the lookout for the shuttle to our car...

Moriah was keeping an eye out. She was looking at the words on the shuttles to see which one started with A (aeropark).

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