Monday, August 27, 2012

She's smitten

There's no doubt about it, Moriah is smitten with her little brother!!

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

So this past week (or so) has been crazy! We enjoyed a wonderful visit from my sister Jeanne & my niece Izzy. They were super helpful with Moriah and Max, especially during bedtime which has started to become Max's "power hour" as Jeanne calls the colicky time. Note: I have now invested a small fortune in colic remedies. Jeanne & Isabelle went home on Monday, along with Jeanne's husband Tom who came up for the weekend. Our house is now quiet for a while after 4 weeks of visitors...well as quiet as a house can be with a 3 1/2 yr old and a 3 1/2 week old!!

We have also been fortunate enough to have some friends deliver a few meals. This has been such a blessing and we feel so lucky to have made some great friends in Seattle. Dinner time gets difficult with toddler tantrums and baby colic. I keep reminding myself that both of these things are temporary (thank goodness!!!)

Below are some pics from the last week(ish). these pics are just from my phone. I am still figuring out this blogging thing and have more good pics to publish from the camera. for now these will have to suffice as I mostly sneak in blogging here and there on my iphone!

Hope you enjoy...if you do, feel free to scroll to the bottom of the blog and click on "subscribe" so that you can get emails when I/we put up new pics.

Morning stretches...

The moby is my new best friend! Max is definitely happiest when being worn. We alternate between this one and the ring sling (Thanks Heather for the recommendation!!)

I wore the Max in the moby to go outside and blow bubbles with Riah.

She loved chasing them!

Happy girl!

Snug as a bug... (sleeping max in the bouncy seat means a hands free dinner for mom & dad!)

...but not for long! I'm awake. Someone pick me up :)

Alert and enjoying his bath!

Aunty Jeanne and Izzy trying to get one last picture before they go.

Moriah was tired and crabby the other morning. She asked to go for a ride in the stroller in her jammies with her favorite pink fuzzy blanket. Here's a cute pic of Riah poking her head out to say hi!

Rob and his babes (note that rob is patting moriah's tush and she is patting max's)

This seems to be the klein lang kiddo newborn face. We have so many pics of baby moriah doing the same thing!

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Monday, August 13, 2012

Week 2 -ish

Well as we have heard from many friends and family members alike, the transition from one to two kiddos has definitely been a challenge. We've has more than our share of tantrums these past couple of weeks and we are all hitting the wall of exhaustion. Fortunately there is a great park up the street that has a farmers' market on Wednesdays so we were able to get out of the house and get some fresh air. Here are a few cute pics from the last week or so...

Our little climber!

Moriah loves the swings!

Family story time is the best time!

Moriah the proud big sister

Love that sleepy smile!

He's starting to get some pudge!

Cheek to cheek

Max gets snuggled by his daddy!
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